July 2019 minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tues 2nd July 2019 at 7.30pm

Present 18-251 Cllr K Jolley (Chair), Cllr C Ashton (Vice Chair), Cllr F Parish, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr S Lansdowne, Cllr P Golding, Cllr C Hodgkin, Cllr D Smith, LCCllr/SKDCllr R Adams, SKDCllr D Bellamy, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk)

Apologies for Absence 18-252 Cllr C van Straubenzee, Cllr A White

Public Forum 18-253 none

Receive Declaration of Interests 18-254 none

Report from LCC Cllr Bob Adams 18-255, Issues raised by SWPC;

i) Pot holes on Templars Way, Cllr Kinning to forward photos to Cllr Adams to deal.

ii) Ivy wrapped around lamp post opposite Harrington Rd, Cllr Lansdowne to forward photos to Cllr Bellamy to deal.

Notes of the monthly Parish Council Meeting held on the 4th June 2019 18-256

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair in acceptance as minutes.

Financial Matters 18-257

a)Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £25605.69,

BMM £25332.36, Play Project BMM £273.33.

Payments made; 1) Parish Clerk (Jun pay/exps incl. HP printer at £54.99) £692.45, 2) Janine Costello (Jun litter picking) £224.00, 3) Rick Webster (VH grass maintenance x 4 cuts) £288.00, 4) Shelter maintenance

(perspex for VH notice board) £73.20.

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on ; 18-258

a)Village Hall Matters, Cllr Jolley

VH boiler has been serviced, report passed to clerk. Electrical fault - main hall heating fans being dealt with.

b)Village defibrillators

i) Update on 2nd defibrillator for Great Close area

This has been installed outside the Great Close shop.

ii) Councillor subcommittee, including election of lead Councillor and plan of action

Cllr Lansdowne agreed to lead the sub committee, with Cllrs Parish, Hodgkin, van Straubenzee and Kinning to assist along with Andrea Smith (local nurse) who has agreed to be involved. Defib committee to set up a meeting in July to go through and set up routine maintenance procedures for both defibs.

c)Road Safety update, Cllr Parish Clerk to chase up LRSP re. its Speed Initiative ( Radar speed guns) project, as no information has been received as yet. Cllrs Kinning/ Golding to move the speed sign from Great Close to Mill Lane.

d) Play areas monthly inspection/ maintenance, Cllr Oldfield In the absence of Cllr Oldfield, no report this month. Clerk advised annual Rospa booked for August.

e) Update on equipment for SKDC Play Area, rear Great Close, Cllr Smith Cllr Smith advised that a £500 donation had been received from Bullimores towards the Play Area fund following letters that were sent out to local businesses. Cllrs Smith and van Straubenzee had met up with a SKDC rep. at the Great Close play area which had proved useful. They are to go and look at the Witham on the Hill play area to view equipment and discuss possible grant funding. They suggested the possibility of employing an experienced grant administrator to fill in applications. Cllrs present declined this offer as high cost involved and no certainty of success. PC to deal.

f) Maintenance of VH noticeboard, Cllr Jolley Replacement Perspex received, (cost £73.20 incl. vat), Cllr Jolley to fit.

g) Grass verges, Cllrs Lansdowne / Parish Article gone in WW to seek volunteers to help with strimming around troughs.

Planning Matters 18-259

a)New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after publication of the agenda none

b)SKDC planning permissions granted/refused

S18/1802 Mr J Rhodes, erection of single storey dwelling, Greenacres , Broadgate Rd – permission granted by SKDC

VE Anniversary/ Summer Gala, Cllr Jolley 18-260 VE Anniversary is on the 8th May 2020, the bank holiday will be moved to this date to provide a 3 day weekend. Preliminary discussions being held with various village groups to provide a full weekend of celebrations incorporating a V E themed Gala, classic car and bike show, bbq, live music by the Houndogs (booked by the SW Community Group).

Correspondence 18-261 The Memorial bench installed on Harrington Rd has been gifted by SW Academy to SWPC. Clerk added this asset to the SWPC Insurance policy. LCC TSG Performance Report 2019, LALC news

Appointment of third member 18-262 Cllr Hodgkin

Date of next meeting 18-263 Tues 3rd Sept at 7.30pm (no Aug meeting)

Meeting closed at 8.30pm