January 2019 minutes

Draft Minutes of the Meeting held on Tues 8th January 2019 at 7.30pm

Present 18-164 Cllr K Jolley (Chair), Cllr C Ashton (Vice Chair), Cllr F Parish, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr P Golding, Cllr S Lansdowne, Cllr C van Straubenzee, Cllr A White, Cllr J Oldfield, Cllr D Smith (newly co opted), CCllr/SKDCllr R Adams, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk), 1 resident

Apologies for Absence 18-165 Cllr C Hodgkin

Public Forum 18-166 none

Receive Declaration of Interests 18-167none

Report from LCCllr Bob Adams 18-168 Cllr Adams brought along Mr Bellamy to introduce him to the PC, Mr Bellamy being potentially the new SKDCllr for the area, as Andrea Webster has decided to step down from the role.

Cllr Adams advised that SKDC Planning had assessed the large fence that has been erected at land to Unit A & B Great Close. It is permitted development that does not require any further planning permission. Cllr Kinning agreed to gather /pass on info to Cllr Adams re. this area being a Public Open Space.

Cllr Adams reminded the PC, with forthcoming elections due in May 2019, there will be a nominal charge incurred by the PC if the election is deemed uncontested, or a larger fee if an election is called to cover costs, details to follow to clerk. The PC asked Cllr Adams to take up with LCC, the pothole repair on Moor Lane, as it is substandard and still not fixed. £1k SKDC Members Award x 2 available, PC asked to consider possible uses for the funds, to bring ideas to the next PC meeting to discuss with Cllr Adams.

Notes of the Parish Council monthly meeting held on the 4th Dec 2018 18-169

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair in acceptance as minutes.

Councillor Vacancy to be filled by Co option 18-170

Deborah Smith was co opted onto SWPC, clerk to advise SKDC accordingly and update records.

Financial Matters 18-171

a)Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £22952.63, BMM £22679.58, Play Project BMM £273.05. Payments made; 1) Parish Clerk (Dec pay/exps) £650.44, 2) Janine Costello ( Dec street cleaning) £112.00, 3)LCC (LRSP speed sign install) £180.00, 4) DGM Electrical Ltd (defib install £179.52), 5 ) DGM ( VH heating fault) £108.00

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on ; 18-172

a)Village Hall, Cllr Jolley

i) VH lease agreement (renewal due 1/4/19) Cllrs Jolley, Parish , Ashton and van Straubenzee to meet with VHMC reps on Frid 25th January at 6pm to review the lease agreement terms. To bring to SWPC Feb PC meeting for sign off by full PC.

ii) Other VH matters Leak over VH front porch, Cllr Jolley to chase repair quote from Tim Smith.

b)Review of SWPC Cemetery Scale of Charges/ T&C’s, Cllr van Straubenzee

Scale of Charges addition to Right of Burial section - add in, “ashes plot - Parishioner £50, Non Parishioner £100”, the charges and T & C’s were then adopted by SWPC for the year 1/1/19 to 31/12/19.

c)Defibrillator for the Village, Cllr Jolley

i) Update Defibrillator installed outside shop on Water Lane.

ii)First Aid training Training sessions planned - Tues 29th Jan 2019, 7-9pm and Tues 26th February 1-3pm, in the VH. Still places available for both courses. Cllr Jolley to pass training kit to Cllr van Straubenzee who will be assisting with the first evening along with Cllrs Kinning, Parish and the clerk.

d)Road Safety, Cllr Parish

i)Update on post install for speed sign LCC invoice received /paid this month so envisage Mill Lane post install will take place soon.

e) SW Village Website – update on progression to LCC Website

New Parish Council website is currently being set up, with aim to have it up and running by the end of the month. Clerk to put PC info on, Cllrs Parish and Lansdowne to agree content of the main PC page and Cllrs Jolley and Oldfield to assist with any other website info. Village groups to be contacted with view to putting basic contact info on the website.

f) Play areas, Cllr Oldfield

i) monthly inspection and ongoing maintenance

Cllr Oldfield reported that he had removed the graffiti from the skatepark and aims to refresh the paintwork in the coming months, no other issues.

ii) Update on equipment ( SW Playgroup funded) for SKDC Play Area, rear Great Close

The PC has started looking at equipment, but further research is required and potential grant funding streams need to be explored, as play equipment is expensive. Cllrs Oldfield, van Straubenzee and Ashton to continue with this project and to also contact SKDC re.funding available, details as provided by Cllr Adams.

Planning Matters 18-173

  1. New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment

i.S18/2158 - 38 Templars Way, erection of detached garage – no objections from SWPC

ii.S18/2110 - 27a Water Lane, change of use from office to temporary dwelling - no objections from SWPC

New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after publication of the agenda none

  1. SKDC planning permissions granted/refused

i.S18/1744 –6, Church St, erection of single storey rear extension to dwelling – permission granted by SKDC

ii.S18/1463- Greenacres, erection of office building (to be utilised in connection with existing B8 site use)- permission granted by SKDC

Correspondence 18-174

Environ SK Introduction, LCC Road Closure- Mill Lane between 21-24/9/19 for Anglian Water essential maintenance works, diversions in operation. C & C Direct, LALC news

Appointment of third member 18-175 Jim Oldfield

Date of next meeting 18-176 Tues 5th February 2019 Meeting closed at 8.35pm