September 2019 minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tues 3rd Sept 2019 at 7.30pm

Present 18-264 Cllr K Jolley (Chair), Cllr C Ashton (Vice Chair), Cllr F Parish, Cllr C van Straubenzee, Cllr A White, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr S Lansdowne, Cllr J Oldfield, Cllr P Golding, Cllr C Hodgkin, Cllr D Smith, LCCllr/SKDCllr R Adams, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk), 2 residents

Apologies for Absence 18-265 SKDCllr D Bellamy

Public Forum 18-266 David Michael, Witham Wanderers FC manager outlined his plans for the Club. They have just entered the Newark Division and would like to improve the VH rec football pitch and attract other local sides to use this facility by fencing around the pitch with low metal fencing. This will stop dog fouling on the pitch, an ongoing issue. He plans to apply for grant funding for this purpose. PC in agreement with this request to have a dedicated enclosed pitch area. Clerk to order more signage – dogs on leads / no dog fouling to go on barriers leading to rec. Cllr Parish to place further WW article. Cllrs White / Ashton to secure the goals by bolting down (Oct) as this has again been brought up on the annual Rospa.

Receive Declaration of Interests 18-267 none

Report from LCC Cllr Bob Adams 18-268, Issues raised by SWPC;

i) Pot holes on Templars Way, Cllr Kinning to forward photos to Cllr Adams to deal.

ii) Ivy wrapped around lamp post opposite Harrington Rd, Cllr Lansdowne to forward photos to Cllr Bellamy to deal.

Notes of the monthly Parish Council Meeting held on the 2nd July 2019 18-269

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair in acceptance as minutes.

Financial Matters 18-270

a)Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £21329.02, BMM £24396.54, Play Project BMM £273.42.

Income received ; Donations to Play equipment fund 1) Bullimores £500.00, 2) MCS Interiors £100.

Payments made; 1) Parish Clerk (Jul pay/exps £622.31, 2) Clerk Aug £626.64 3) Clerk refund for defib pads £71.88, 4) Janine Costello ( litter picking) July £224.00 & 5) Aug £224, 6) Rick Webster (VH rec grass Jun/Jul x 3 cuts) £216.00,7) British Standard Locksmiths (VH locks) £271.80, 8) LCC recoverable works ( tree North Witham Rd Aug18) £271.69, 9) SKDC (electoral costs uncontested election) £89.55,

10) Playsafety Ltd (Rospa) £172.80, 11) Paul Dalby (VH annual boiler service) £139.45, 12) Garden Angel

(cemetery grass cutting May to July 7 cuts include. hedge trimming £440.00

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on ; 18-271

a) Storage of sports kit at VH, Cllr Parish Cllr Parish to look at storing kit (currently in her garage) at VH, possibly in home team changing rooms.

b)Village defibrillators update, Cllr Lansdowne Committee meeting held and routines ie. rota set up for members to check on village defibrillators on a weekly basis. Cllr van Straubenzee to update notes in each defib case so Committee advised if defib used. Clerk ordered further defib pads.

c) Play areas annual Rospa inspection, Cllr Oldfield Rospa reports received, Cllr Oldfield to deal with rust on skatepark equipment and minor issues within toddler play area. Cllrs White/ Ashton to secure goals. Clerk to order “no dogs allowed “signage for toddler play area.

d) Allotment update, Cllr van Straubenzee New signage needed for gate, clerk to order.

e) Update on equipment for SKDC Play Area, rear Great Close, Cllrs van Straubenzee / Smith

Cllr Smith brought to the meeting a £100 donation from MCS Interiors, clerk to bank, fund now stands at £3766.03. PC shown photos of proposed wooden equipment as per Witham on the Hill play area (cost 21k, £3.5k PC raised, 17.5k Mick George grant funding). PC all in agreement with this equipment. Cllr Smith to obtain breakdown of invoice showing detail of costs. Both Cllrs have no time available to fill in grant applications, clerk offered to do this, all info to be given to her for this purpose.

f) Vegetation obscuring Moor Lane street sign / pathway, Cllr Parish sorted

g) Vegetation / street lighting along jitty opp. Blue Cow , Cllr Parish Clerk to write to residents asking them to deal with vegetation, Cllr Parish to provide house numbers. Cllr Jolley to look at fixing the solar lights which are not working. Other areas for attention - trees on VH driveway, hedgerow opposite Harrington Rd - Cllr White to speak to farmer to deal.

Planning Matters 18-272

a)New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after publication of the agenda none

b)SKDC planning permissions granted/refused none

Correspondence 18-273 Anglian Water updated that they are in process of fixing the VH water leak. George Webb quarry, following a resident’s complaint, had confirmed that any Saturday working would not commence until after 9am. LRSP reply received confirming SW is part of CSW Scheme and info provided on equipment costs/ various options to monitor vehicle speed, as there is no equipment available to hire from LRSP. Resident email re. various Highway issues reported to LCC discussed by PC, clerk to reply to resident. LALC news / County Committee nomination forms,/weekly emails, LCR

Appointment of third member 18-274 Cllr Kinning

Date of next meeting 18-275 Tues 1st Oct at 7.30pm Meeting closed at 8.45pm