June 2020 minutes

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held by Zoom on Tues 2nd Jun 2020 at 6.30pm

Present 20-040 Cllr D Smith (Chair), Cllr C Ashton (Vice Chair), Cllr C van Straubenzee, Cllr P Golding, Cllr M Kinning, Cllrs Lansdowne, Cllr J Oldfield, LCCllr Adams, SKDCllr D Bellamy, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk)

Apologies for Absence 20-041 Cllr F Parish, Cllr C Hodgkin, Cllr A White

Receive Declaration of Interests 20-042 none

Chairman’s Remarks 20-043 Cllr Smith welcomed Councillors to the first Zoom meeting.

Public Forum 20-044 none

Reports from LCCllr Adams/ SKDCllr Bellamy to include update on Harold Rd rat problem 20-045

SKDCllr Bellamy reported that during Covid19, SKDC had managed to keep the core services going such as bin collections and the Online portal is working well for enquiries. There is a backlog of planning matters which is now being dealt with as planning meetings have increased to every two weeks. Waste Recycling sites now open by appointment and for garden waste only currently.

Rat problem in Harold Rd as reported to LCCllr Adams, is being investigated by the relevant Authorities

Notes of the monthly Parish Council Meeting held on the 3rd March 2020 20-046

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair in acceptance as minutes, to forward to clerk for records.

South Witham Covid19 Community Support Group update, Cllr Parish 20-047

In the absence of Cllr Parish, Cllr Oldfield advised that the local SW volunteering initiative is working well. New volunteers still being sought to assist. For help or to assist, tel 07745 032450, email swvolunteers2020@gmail.com

Chairman and Vice Chairman for Yr 2020/21 20-048 As per new Gov rules re. Covid, in view of the difficulties with holding face to face meetings, no elections are required, therefore Chair and Vice Chair to remain in place until May21.

Councillor Vacancy 20- 049 Clerk advised PC that no by election had been called and SKDC has said that the PC could casually co opt now, or defer until a later time. PC agreed to put on July agenda for consideration.

Financial Matters 20-050

a) EOY accounts for 2019/20 Clerk had completed the Annual return for 2019/20, which is now with Mr Andrews to undertake the Internal Audit. PC to sign off accounts at July PC meeting before submission. Accounts and notices to be displayed as required.

b) Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £47243.35, BMM £46969.56, Play Project BMM £273.79. Payments/ Income since March meeting as per finance summary.

Payments made during current month, 1) Parish Clerk sal/exps May £666.64 (includes ICO annual fee £40), 2) Garden Angel ( 4 cuts@ £60 to 20/4/20) £240. 3) Streetwise (VH rec 2 cuts –Apr) £144.00,

4) Zurich (annual insurance) £1478.36, 5) Mr Boaden (VE flag reimbursement) £150.00, 6) Fran Parish

(refund printing costs) £64.90

Income received during month, 1) SKDC ½ Yr Precept £12500, 2) Lottery fitness grant £4775, 3) SKDC Business Support grant £10000 4) Allotment income £500

c) VHMC rent Re impact of Covid 19 on the village hall bookings, Cllrs agreed that no rent should be charged this year, clerk to inform VHMC Treasurer

d) PC Insurance Clerk renewed for Yr 20/21 £1478.36

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on 20-051;

a)VE Day i) General update following the cancellation of this event The Pill Box and area around it, on North Witham Rd was cleaned up and decorated with poppies for VE Day by local volunteers. Some bunting was also put up in the village, clerk to thank those involved. It is hoped an event may be able to take place around VJ Day in August, with funds raised to be put to use for this purpose.

b)Village Hall matters i) general VHMC recent grant application to LCC Covid fund for £3k grant funds towards VH internal doors was unsuccessful as not Covid related. Cllr Adams advised VHMC to apply to SKDC grant fund. PC unaware of this application, clerk to contact VHMC to remind them that any applications must be notified to SWPC for consideration as VH landlord, prior to application.

Cllr van Straubenzee to rebook the VH alarm service, clerk to book Pat Testing.

Several fruit trees have been offered to the PC (currently held at Stocken Prison). PC considered this offer and decided to decline it at the current time due to the huge undertaking/ cost of planting them, daily watering and future maintenance required. Cllr Oldfield had said there were other homes already lined up who will welcome the trees, he will express thanks for the offer.

c)Allotment update, Cllr van Straubenzee All allotments are now rented out with a few changes of ownership and a waiting list for future plots. All monies/ agreements received by the clerk. All plots are being worked with the exception of two, the owners of which have been asked to strim their plots to prevent weeds blowing to neighbouring plots. Cllr van Straubenzee requested that the allotment renewal date is moved earlier next year. PC agreed that renewals should take place on the 1st April each year (rather than 1st May). The gate posts on the site have become loose, Cllr Oldfield to meet with Cllr van Straubenzee to assess/ fix.

d)Update on equipment for SKDC Play area, rear Great Close, Cllrs van Straubenzee / Smith No further re. current climate.

e)Play area inspection/maintenance, Cllr Oldfield Cllr Oldfield had followed Gov guidelines and closed off the Play areas during lockdown, erecting signs for this purpose. These had been removed several times by persons unknown and so replaced again.

Enquiry received for a hard surface on the basketball area, clerk to advise PC not in a position to do this currently.

f)Community Annual Litter Pick – cancelled PC to reconsider when in a position to do so.

g)SWPC website update, Clerk No information received as yet from LCC to set new website up.

Planning Matters 20-052

a)New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment

i) S20/0474, 3 Church Street- removal of magnolia tree - approved by SKDC

ii) S20/0453, 24 water Lane – removal of asbestos flat roof to outbuilding and new first floor with pitched roof -approved by SKDC

iii)S20/0248, 14 Church St - Replacement of 2 x second floor box dorer window no objections

iv)S20/0420 14 Church St - Repairing of stone mullions and replacement of glass in four window cellar no objections

v) S20/0678 G Webb, South Witham quarry, Mill Lane - application for approval of details reserved by condition 1 ( dust management scheme and detailed final restoration proposals) of planning permission no. S19/0636 (PL/0057/19) no objections

vi) S20/0701, 6 Troughton Walk, timber modular pod for ancilliary accommodation in the rear garden no objections

b)New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after publication of the agenda none

c) SKDC planning permissions granted/refused As detailed above

Correspondence 20-053

LCC/ SKDC Covid information/ Council updates/ Community Fund info, LCC Scrutiny Annual Report, LALC/ NALC/ Local Gov briefings, LCC Bereavement support info / Waste Recycling Centre info/ School Briefings/ Arts centre info, Care Home survey, British Red Cross Support, NHS Dentistry, YMCA Comm Lincs news bulletin

Date of next meeting 20-054 Tues 7th July at 6.30pm via Zoom Meeting closed at 7.30pm