October 2020 minutes

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held by Zoom on Tues 6th Oct 2020 at 6.30pm

Present 20-086 Cllr D Smith (Chair), Cllr C Ashton (Vice Chair), Cllr F Parish, Cllr P Golding, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr C van Straubenzee, Cllr S Lansdowne, Cllr Oldfield, LCCllr B Adams, SKDCllr D Bellamy, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk)

Apologies for Absence 20-087 Cllr A White, Cllr C Hodgkin

Receive Declaration of Interests 20-088 none

Public Forum 20-089 none

Reports from LCCllr Adams/ SKDCllr Bellamy 20-090

Cllr Adams advised that all SKDC meetings are still being done by Zoom. The Government has issued a paper on planning regulations and is undertaking consultation on this. In effect it will loosen planning regs, giving more rights to developers, particularly with entry level housing. Cllr Bellamy to check with SKDC Planning, the current position re. the North Witham Rd Garden Centre and any potential planning application required.

Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 1st Sept 20-091

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and were signed by the Vice Chair in acceptance as minutes, as Chair not present at Sept meeting (to forward to clerk for records).

Financial Matters 20-092

a) Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £37849.10, BMM £37574.52, Play Project BMM £274.58. Income received during month, 1) Memorial fee (cremation stone) £50.00 Payments made during month, 1) Parish Clerk sal/exps Sept £626.64, 2) Streetwise £144.00 (VH rec x 2 cuts Aug), 3) Janine Costello £224.00 (Sept hrs), 4) Broxap £676.68 (2 x VH rec bins). Quote received from website designer £875, to set up new SWPC website, transfer all data/ files from old website and to provide guidance notes for ongoing use of site. PC accepted quote in principal.

b) Grant for the purchase / ongoing cost of a dedicated phone for the SW Volunteers

Cllr Parish requested that a mobile phone be purchased by the PC to be used by the SW Volunteer Group, as currently they are sharing the VHMC phone, which is not ideal. This dedicated phone’s telephone number could then be shared in the village/ with various authorities, so residents are aware who to call if help needed during Covid. Once the pandemic is over, Cllr Parish would store the phone for future use. Councillors agreed to this purchase, estimated cost £60-£100, pay as you go, simple smartphone, Cllr Parish to organise.

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on 20-093

a)Village Hall matters Cllrs van Straubenzee/ Parish

i) Anti social behaviour in the vicinity of the Village Hall There have been reports of anti social behaviour by the VH, youths congregating, vehicles driving on the VH rec. PCSO Jason Possnett had contacted the clerk re. this and had been down to talk to the youths. He will continue to visit the site regularly. Clerk to contact him for further update. Cllr Oldfield to move boulder to stop unauthorised VH rec access.

A resident has asked if they can put a “No ball games” sign up on the rear of their fence, facing VH- PC agreed to this request.

ii) Garden waste dumped in the vicinity of the Village Hall Complaint received re. garden waste that has been dumped at the rear of the resident’s fence. PC to arrange for its removal.

iii) Other Paul Dalby to fit valve this week, this will solve the hot water issue. Clerk still awaiting boiler service report/ invoice. Richard Medcalf provided a quote to move/ reset the frost stat to the loft, this will sort the heating issues. He will also tidy up the electrical wiring in the loft, quote of £300 plus vat accepted by the PC. Cllr van Straubenzee to arrange.

b)Play area i) monthly inspection/maintenance re. Rospa annual report, Cllr Oldfield

Cllr Oldfield had installed two new bins on the VH rec this month. He is to pin down the skatepark ramp to make safe and will deal with the rust corrosion on the equipment. He will also repair the play surface at the toddler play area, Clerk to purchase wet pour for this purpose. Cllr Oldfield was thanked for all his hardwork.

c) War memorial, Cllr van Straubenzee This has been cleaned by Cllrs van Straubenzee/ Parish this month. Cllr van Straubenzee to plant out the trough with winter pansies.

d) Allotments, Cllr van Straubenzee Cllr van Straubenzee to assess site to provide clerk with a list of allotments that require attention, clerk to contact. Equipment has been stolen from a shed on the site, clerk to let allotment holders know and to remind them to secure equipment/ check adequate insurance. Also to advise of new lock code for the gate. Quote received from Chris Johnson for maintenance work at site, hedge cutting £300 plus vat, replacement larger gate/post, inclusive of labour £400.00 plus vat, PC agreed to quote, Cllr van Straubenzee to arrange.

e) Holiday Activities, Cllr Parish Cllr Parish advised that next year there will activities arranged for the teenagers. The SW Community Group is applying in the next round of grant funding to continue with activities for SW.

f) Vegetation overhanging Blue Cow to Church St Jitty, Cllr Parish Clerk to write to resident to

cut / remove ivy overhanging the jitty.

Planning Matters 20-094

a)New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after publication of the agenda

i) S20/1604 Abacus Coaches, A1 Great North Rd, change of use from coach depot (Sui Generis) to indoor and outdoor storage (B8) – no objections from SWPC.

b) SKDC planning permissions granted/refused

i) S20/1352 - 27 Troughton Walk, single storey front extension and single storey rear extension, permission granted by SKDC.

Correspondence 20-095

G Webb Haulage Ltd, Owners of SW Quarry had provided the PC with a progress update for the quarry. Clerk to thank them for keeping the PC fully informed.

Cllr van Straubenzee/ clerk to contact RBL to purchase some replacement large poppies for the village, to adorn the lamp posts ready for Remembrance Sunday.

LALC Annual Report 2019/20/ LALC e news / Committee Vacancies, SKDC Parish Update, LCC School Admissions Policy Consultation, Lincs Resilience Forum newsletter & Covid19 Support update, Community Fund survey, YMCA Community Lincs news & update bulletin Sept20, NALC info re. Coronavirus, Healthwatch Lincs - NHS Citizen Panel, Grantham Southern Relief Road Sept update, LCC Town & Parishes News, Test & Trace App Launch NHS QR Posters in venues by 24/9/20, NALC Help us Keep Lincs safe poster (to notice boards/ SW facebook),MHCLG/NALC Right to Contest Snapshot - online survey.

Date of next meeting 20-096 Tues 3rd November at 6.30pm by Zoom Meeting closed at 7.40pm