September 2020 minutes

Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held by Zoom on Tues 1st Sept 2020 at 6.30pm

Present 20-073 Cllr C Ashton (Vice Chair), Cllr F Parish, Cllr P Golding, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr C van Straubenzee, LCCllr B Adams, SKDCllr D Bellamy, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk)

Apologies for Absence 20-074 Cllr D Smith (Chair), Cllr S Lansdowne, Cllr A White, Cllr C Hodgkin

Receive Declaration of Interests 20-075 none Public Forum 20-076 none

Reports from LCCllr Adams/ SKDCllr Bellamy 20-077

LCCllr Adams to check progress with Authorities re. Great Close, which was again flooded during August.

Notes of the extraordinary monthly Parish Council Meeting held on the 28th July 2020 20-078

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and were signed by the Vice Chair in acceptance as minutes, (to forward to clerk for records).

Councillor Vacancy 20- 079 Cllrs agreed to defer until Oct PC meeting.

Financial Matters 20-080

 a) Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £41079.19, BMM £40804.61, Play Project BMM £274.58. Income received during month, 1) SWPC Vat reimbursement for period 1/10/19 – 31/7/20 £654.12. Payments made during month, 1) Parish Clerk sal/exps Aug £626.64 & £521.46 (refund Medisupplies -soap dispensers/ hand sanitiser solution purchased for VH), 2) SWPCC £500.00 (Grant), 3) SW VHMC £565.45 (Grant of £1k less deduction for Medisupplies £434.55 net value), 4) Streetwise £144.00 (VH rec x 2 cuts July ), 5) Janine Costello £224.00 (Aug hrs), 6) Finding Fitness Children’s holiday club w/c 27/7/20 £1800.00.

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on 20-081

a)Village Hall matters Cllrs van Straubenzee/ Parish

i) Progress update following re opening of village hall

The village hall reopened on Mon 17th August after much work had been completed by the VHMC to ensure Government guidelines for safe reopening had been met (ie.signage/ hand sanitiser dispensers). Yoga is the only group currently using the VH.

ii) Other Annual pat testing report received by clerk and associated invoice £145 plus vat. Annual boiler service completed, clerk awaiting report / invoice. Mr Medcalf to look at VH storage heaters this month.

b)Play area i) monthly inspection/maintenance, Cllr Oldfield Cllr Oldfield had fitted new toddler swing seats this month. Two new additional bins for the VH rec to be delivered 7/9/20 approx.

ii) Annual Rospa inspection undertaken in Aug by Playsafety Ltd, clerk had circulated reports to cllrs to consider. After discussion at the meeting, it was agreed to put this on the Oct PC meeting agenda. Cllr Oldfield as PC play area lead cllr, with help from fellow cllrs, to consider repairs/ upgrades to equipment.

c)Village Litter Pick Day, Cllr Parish, Cllrs agreed to defer until next Spring.

d) Traffic speed on Church Lane , Cllr Parish Raised by resident and noted by PC.

South Witham Garden Centre, North Witham Rd 20-082

Introductory letter received from the owners of the Garden Centre circulated to cllrs prior to the meeting. Cllr Bellamy reported that a SKDC Planning Enforcement Officer was going to visit the site in the near future.  To suggest to owners that no further ground work is undertaken until after visit. A retrospective planning application will possibly be required for the work already undertaken, after the officer’s visit.

Planning Matters 20-083

a)New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council

i) S20/1352 - 27 Troughton Walk, single storey front extension and single storey rear extension – no objections from SWPC

b)New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after publication of the agenda none

c) SKDC planning permissions granted/refused

i) S20/0701 6 Troughton Walk, permission granted by SKDC for timber modular pod for ancillary accommodation in the rear garden.

Correspondence 20-084 Lincolnshire Local resilience Forum Survey- completed by the clerk, SKDC Public Consultation for Public Space Protection Orders, LCC Town & Parish Update, C & C Direct, NALC 20/21 clerk payscales, LALC news, LCC School Transport letter. LCC info re.hosted PC website needs to be completed by 31/12/20, clerk to work on setting up new SWPC website.

Date of next meeting 20-085 Tues 6th Oct, time/ method of meeting tba Meeting closed at 7.20pm