February 2018 minutes

SOUTH WITHAM PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on the 6th Feb 2018 at 7.30pm

Present 18-13 Cllr K Jolley (Chair), Cllr S Lansdowne, Cllr F Parish, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr A White, Cllr P Golding, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk) LCCllr/ SKDCllr R Adams

Apologies for Absence 18-14 Cllr C Ashton, Cllr Hodgkin, Cllr J Oldfield, Cllr A Smith, Cllr C v Straubenzee,

Receive Declaration of Interests 18-15 none

Co option of Parish Councillor 18-16 Mr Golding having been voted onto the PC at the January meeting, signed the declaration of acceptance of office and joined fellow councillors for the meeting.

Public Forum 18-17 none

Report from LCCllr Bob Adams 18-18 Mr Adams advised that budgets are being finalised for SKDC and LCC, details to follow next month. He is to look into Great Close historical flooding issue for SWPC.

Notes of the PC monthly meeting held on the 9th Jan 2018 18-19

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair in acceptance as minutes.

Financial Matters 18-20

  1. Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £32487.19, BMM £32214.42, Play project £272.77.

Income received; 1) Western Power wayleave payment £3.55. Payments; 1) Helen Sandon Jan pay/exps £515.77,

  1. Janine Costello -Jan litter picking) £105.00, 3) British Locksmiths Ltd (alarm fault), 4) Finding Fitness £192.00 ( fitness classes Jan - inv1).

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on ; 18-21 a)Village Hall, Cllr Jolley

  1. Repairs – showers VH showers are being replaced this week. Cllr Jolley to arrange the boiler service with Mr Dalby also, due 28/2/18.

VH alarm service due, clerk to arrange, Cllr Parish to provide local company details, (as previous company used, Ainscough Alarms has ceased trading due to retirement).

  1. Key holders The VHMC has now supplied the clerk with a list of keyholders (30/1/18), VHMC currently has 8 sets of keys - top / bottom lock) Agreed that the clerk will order a further 7 sets of keys, 6 for the VHMC (clerk to invoice VHMC for cost) and 1 additional set for the PC to give to the South Witham Academy in case of school emergency evacuation, as detailed in the VH lease agreement ( PC to pay for this set).

Agreed by PC that VHMC has total control of bar area and contents held within, therefore set of bar keys to be returned to VHMC. If access needed to bar or loft above, to arrange with VHMC.

  1. Lease Current VH lease runs until 31/3/19, agreed that the PC will review the terms of the lease during the Summer period, in readiness to put to the VHMC for agreement.

  2. Other Road Safety issues, Cllr Parish

  3. Interactive sign Cllr Parish still awaiting cost from LCC to move the existing sign to North Witham Rd. Albert White as previously agreed has given a cheque for £2000 towards the sign, clerk to bank. Cllr White was thanked for his generous contribution. Clerk to place the order for the sign through Unipart Dorman, with 2 additional brackets, so that the sign may be moved around the pre agreed locations. To request information on install costs and extended warranties.

  4. Wheelie bin 30 mph stickers Stickers are now in both shops for purchase and have been advertised in the Witham Word, on the village website, village Facebook page and on notice boards around the village.

  5. Other Some of the passive speed signs around the village have been damaged and need replacing, Cllr Kinning agreed to assist.

  6. Allotments, Cllr van Straubenzee

  7. Agreement 2018/19 In the absence of Cllr van Straubenze, the clerk asked cllrs to review the allotment agreement circulated, in readiness to agree / sign off any changes at the March PC meeting.

  8. Renewals process Clerk to write to current allotment holders at the end of March to see if they wish to continue and to advise of payment process. Any available allotments to be offered to those on the waiting list.

  9. Play area inspection, Cllr Oldfield i) Monthly inspection / repairs No report as Cllr Oldfield not present at the meeting, however he had advised the clerk that there are no new issues.

  10. Future play equipment - ideas/ funding- Cllr Ashton No report, as Cllr Ashton not present at PC meeting.

Planning Matters 18-22

a. New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment.

i)S16/0870, Mr K Marks, The Fox, Great North Rd, proposed internally illuminated sign- no objections from SWPC.

  1. New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after publicstion of the agenda


  1. SKDC planning permissions granted/refused

  2. S17/2246 Mr G Austen, 31 Hillview rd, fell Acer tree- permission granted by SKDC