April 2018 minutes

SOUTH WITHAM PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held on the 3rd Apr 2018 at 7.30pm

Present 18-43 Cllr K Jolley (Chair), Cllr C Ashton, Cllr J Oldfield, Cllr C v Straubenzee, Cllr S Lansdowne, Cllr F Parish, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr P Golding, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk) LCCllr/ SKDCllr R Adams, VHMC Chair

Apologies for Absence 18-44 Cllr White, SKDCllr A Webster

Receive Declaration of Interests 18-45 none

Public Forum 18-46 none

Report from LCCllr Bob Adams 18-47 Mr Adams advised that LCC is to spend an additional £3 million on potholes across the County. He said potholes should be reported to LCC via the website / telephone and advised against using the “ fix my street” phone app. as this does not reach LCC.

He will speak with SKDCllr Andrea Webster re. the Great Close flooding issue and it is hoped will take this matter up with Nick Boles, as it is still unresolved as to whose responsibility this is for sorting out the drainage problem. Notes of the PC monthly meeting held on the 6th Mar 2018 18-48

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair in acceptance as minutes.

Financial Matters 18-49

  1. Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £27132.15, BMM £26859.35, Play project £272.80.

Income received; 1) VHMC contribution to showers fitted £400.00, Payments; 1) Helen Sandon Mar pay/exps

£523.28 ( includes. cemetery green bin payment £35.00 , 2) Janine Costello Mar litter picking £105.00, 3) Finding Fitness inv3 £230.40, 4) Paul Dalby - showers replacement £724.37 & 5) boiler service £142.80, 6) VHMC fitness hall hire ( covered by fitness grant) £125.00, 7) Shelter Maintenance ( bus shelter notice board perspex) £20.95 Gordon has kindly offered to perform the internal audit for SWPC once again.

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on ; 18-50 a)Village Hall, Cllr Jolley

  1. External Lights Cllr Jolley arranging VH repair with DGM Electrical, along with jitty solar lights. Cllrs Jolley and Ashton to sort lighting position on Templars to Wellfield jitty.

  2. Roof Cllr Jolley had arranged for a local roofer to fix the broken tiles and is to further source quotes for the main roof work / pointing required.

  3. Other Mike Kelly, VHMC Chair advised that there is a fault with the VH top lock and also water seeping through the kitchen wall, Cllr Jolley to investigate further/ sort repair. Mr Kelly advised of VHMC Annual Meeting to be held in VH on Sun 15th April at 9.30am and also that the Summer Ball tickets are selling well.

Clerk advised - VH alarm to be service on 17/4/18, Cllr Hodgkin to meet engineer.

  1. Other Road Safety issues, Cllr Parish

  2. Interactive sign No date received as yet for new speed sign install, clerk to chase. The existing sign on the High St will not be moved by LCC until May, due to current workload. Therefore SWPC agreed to site the new sign on the North Witham Rd initially, until the old one has been moved.

  3. Wheelie bin 30 mph stickers Stickers are being sold in both shops for purchase at 50p each. SWPC to put on its cemetery bins also.

  4. Purchase of additional passive signs at £8.00 each SWPC agreed to the purchase of an additional 10 signs.

  5. Allotments, Cllr van Straubenzee Renewal information has been sent out by the clerk to all allotment holders for completion, ready for the new allotment year commencing the 1st May 2018. Any vacant plots to be offered to those on the waiting list.

  6. Play area inspection, Cllr Oldfield i) Monthly inspection / repairs All ok, minor repairs to be done once weather improves.

  7. Future play equipment - ideas/ funding- Cllr Ashton Cllr Ashton had initial talk with Mr Carter a self employed play area consultant who specialises in smaller projects re. an all weather ( astro turf) multi sports facility - 5 a side football, tennis, netball, basketball and bowling area. Mr Carter can assist re. grants, which if SWPC prepared to offer the facility for use by the school and also neighbouring villages may help secure grant funding. Estimate cost:
    with tennis £150-160k, without £50-60k, therefore tennis to be excluded. SWPC agreed for Cllr Ashton to meet with Mr Carter to discuss further, small fee for this purpose.

    Cllr Parish also mentioned the play equipment stored in her garage for the holiday clubs, she would like it relocated to the VH, to sort with the VHMC. Table tennis table to be assessed for possible repair/ spares for other table by Cllr Oldfield.

  8. Defibrillator for village / VHMC funded

The SW Community Group has agreed a donation of £500 towards this project and Cllr Golding advised that his event on the 11th August will also contribute to this cause. Cllr Jolley to speak with Gordon re. the possible siting of equipment on the exterior wall at village shop.