December 2018 minutes

Minutes of the Meeting held on Tues 4th Dec at 7.30pm

Present 18-151 Cllr K Jolley (Chair), Cllr C Ashton (Vice Chair), Cllr F Parish, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr P Golding, Cllr S Lansdowne, LCCllr/SKDCllr R Adams Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk)

Apologies for Absence 18-152 Cllr C van Straubenzee, Cllr White, Cllr Oldfield, Cllr C Hodgkin

Public Forum 18-153 none

Receive Declaration of Interests 18-154 none

Report from LCCllr Bob Adams 18-155 Advised that SKDC is to impose an increase of £5 to Band D properties and LCC a 1.95% rise, with an additional 2% rise for Adult Social Care and 1% for Safeguarding Children, subject to agreement. LCC to undertake a six month study of all gulleys/drains in the County, to identify works required for fixing.

Notes of the Parish Council monthly meeting held on the 6th Nov 2018 18-156

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair in acceptance as minutes.

Councillor Vacancy to be filled by Co option 18-157 To defer to Jan 2019 meeting.

Financial Matters 18-158

a)Monthly Accounts SWPC total bank balance £24297.39, BMM £24024.38, Play Project BMM £273.01.

Payments made; 1) Parish Clerk (Nov pay/exps) £652.77, 2) Janine Costello ( Nov street cleaning) £112.00, 3) Tracy Stafford, cemetery grass cutting (5 visits Jul to Oct 18) £300.00.

Income received : 1) Vat return submitted by clerk for period 1/10/18 – 31/10/18, £1289.88, 2) £300 donation received from South Witham Line Dancers Xmas event, monies to go towards the defibrillator fund, clerk to bank the monies.

b) To agree 2019/20 Precept for South Witham SWPC agreed to set the Precept at £24000, clerk to advise SKDC.

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on ; 18-159

a)Village Hall, Cllr Jolley

i) VH lease agreement (renewal due 1/4/19) Cllrs Jolley, Parish , Ashton and van Straubenzee to meet with VHMC Secretary Jo Southwell and other VHMC reps on Frid 25th January at 6pm at the VH, to review the lease agreement terms, to bring to SWPC Feb PC meeting for sign off by full PC.

ii) Other VH matters VH heating has been fixed. Cllr Jolley to check/ adjust VH Fire Exit door. VH annual PAT testing due 11th Dec 2018, Cllr Jolley to arrange.

b) Defibrillator for the Village

i) Update The Defibrillator cabinet has now been installed outside Gordon’s shop on Water Lane. Awaiting electric fix up by Mr Medcalf, then will be up and running to be used in cases of Emergency only. Clerk to then inform Lincs Ambulance Services of Defib. location. With the £300 donation received this month from the SW Line Dancers, monies held in reserves towards a further defibrillator / cabinet is £1304.34, so £200 approx. short of a second defibrillator.

ii)First Aid training The British Red Cross is running training sessions ( to include defib training) on Tues 29th Jan 2019, 7-9pm and Tues 26th February 1-3pm, both in the VH. Places are limited, so booking is required via Helen Sandon, Parish Clerk, details in WW and on Village Notice boards/ Village Facebook group.

c)Road Safety, Cllr Parish

i)Update on post install for speed sign LCC advised post to be installed on Mill Lane very soon. Cllrs Jolley/ Parish to charge and relocate other speed sign to Great Close.

d) SW Village Website – update on progression to LCC Website

Cllrs Jolley, Oldfield and clerk met and agreed in principle the information for the Website. Clerk to put PC info on website first – cllr details, mins, agendas, policies and then with help from Cllrs Jolley / Oldfield other info. to be uploaded. Cllrs Parish/ Lansdowne to review the information held on the current SW website main page

to agree the content to upload. Village Church and other local groups to be contacted in the New Year with view to putting contact info. on the website.

e) Play areas, Cllr Oldfield i) monthly inspection and ongoing maintenance In the absence of Cllr Oldfield no update this month.

ii) Update on equipment ( SW Playgroup funded) for SKDC Play Area, rear Great Close

Clerk had received confirmation that SKDC would be in agreement for a new piece of play equipment to be put on the SKDC maintained play area, rear of Great Close and would also take over responsibility for insurance and safety inspections. Cllrs Oldfield/ van Straubenzee looking into what equipment to buy (with SW Playgroup funds) in conjunction with Rebecca Yates ( ex.SW Playgroup Chair) and then to arrange meeting with SKDC rep. to meet at site and discuss further.

Planning Matters 18-160

  1. New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after publication of the agenda


b) SKDC planning permissions granted/refused

i) S18/1634 – Beggars Roost, 12 Thistleton Lane – replacement of existing roof with an increased pitched roof to dwelling, insertion of dormer windows and roof lights, erection of dual pitched roof to existing garage and erection of rear store to existing garage Permission granted by SKDC

ii) S18/1681 - 12 Station Avenue, erection of garage Permission granted by SKDC

Correspondence 18-161 Info re. works to steps on Public footpaths 13 & 15 rear of Blue Cow to Thistleton Lane taking place in next couple of months.

Appointment of third member 18-162  Sandra Lansdowne

Date of next meeting 18-163 Tues 8th January 2019 Meeting closed at 8.35pm