Nov 2024 minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the village hall on Tues 5th Nov 2024 at 6.30pm

Present 24-102 Cllr C Ashton (Chair), Cllr F Parish (Vice Chair), Cllr R Brabbin, Cllr L Hughes, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr J Oldfield, Cllr C van Straubenzee, SKDCllr D Bellamy, SKDCllr B Green, LCCllr C Vernon, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk), 1 resident

Apologies for Absence 24-103

Cllr P Golding, Cllr A White

Declarations of Interest for items on the agenda 24-104 Cllr Kinning declared an interest in agenda item 24-108, finance matters, SWPC to consider donation to village fireworks event.

Public Forum 24-105 none

Reports from County/District Councillors 24-106

SKDCllr Green advised that he will be planting more trees at the Wild Witham Play Area (2 packs - 200 approx.). Cllr Oldfield to assist with village FB post to seeking volunteers to make this a Community planting event again. Cllr Green to chase up with SKDC the install date for the replacement swings at this play area. He also mentioned that the Government’s White Paper on Devolution is to be published soon. This will give details of how LCC/SKDC will become one unitary council within Greater Lincolnshire with resulting cost savings.  SKDCllr Bellamy confirmed that the planning matter S24/0568, Sewstern Anaerobic Digestor (AD), development East of Sewstern Industrial Estate, South of Sewstern Rd, Gunby is to come before the Planning Committee at its December meeting. LCCllr Vernon advised that street lighting will be adjusted in line with the clocks changing. She also wished to highlight the Winter fuel allowance for those eligible. Clerk has placed information on this and pension credit on the village FB, SWPC website and on noticeboards in the village. Cllr Vernon advised that Alicia Kearns MP is hosting a public meeting on A1 Road Safety on Friday 15th November, time 6pm-7.30pm in South Witham Village Hall, all residents welcome. Cllr Vernon / clerk to chase up Alicia Kearns’s for event posters to get the word out to residents. Cllr Vernon also mentioned the Dementia Safeguarding Scheme, free smart wristbands are available for those living with Dementia. Wristbands issued hold carer/relative information for such times this may be needed. Clerk to display posters in the village and place on village FB. Cllr Vernon to also chase up with LCC - “ No HGVs” visual signage for Church Lane, the reasoning why the decision was taken by LCC not to install additional barriers following the accident on Church lane and to also check why the yellow lines were repositioned on Water Lane. The latter has led to resident complaints of inconsiderate parking outside their homes. Cllr Vernon to also write to the South Witham Academy Headteacher requesting that a polite notice is sent to parents requesting that they park respectfully on this road. 

To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 1st Oct 2024 24- 107

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by Cllr Ashton in acceptance of minutes.

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on; 24-108

Councillor Vacancies, clerk

There are two vacancies on the Parish Council due to the resignation of Cllr Hodgkin (ill health) and Cllr O’Shea (work/ family commitments). Clerk to advise SKDC and to display the by election notices as required.  

Financial Matters, clerk

Monthly Accounts

South Witham Parish Council – Financial Statement   - Nov 2024





BMM Balance as at 5th Sept 2024



Income since 5th Sept 2024



Burial plot fee



Ashes Interment fee



SKDC ½ Yr Precept



Expenditure since 5th Sept 2024



Bank chgs



MCS VH grass cutting ( 3 cuts Aug)



SWPCC ( ½ yr grass cutting, 10 cuts at £75)



Helen Sandon (Sept)



Janine Costello (Sept)



MCS VH grass cutting ( 2 cuts Sept)



Garden Angel (cemetery hedge/ grass)



PWLB ( cemetery site ½ yr loan repayment)



PKF Littlejohn (external audit fee)



Eon next (VH gas)  



Balance as at 5th Oct 2024



Expenditure to be cleared



Claire van Straubenzee exps ( £250 for 50 large poppies)



Paul Dalby ( kitchen leak repair)



Janine Costello (Oct)



Helen Sandon (Sept includs A4 paper x 5 reams, accounts book, monthly ink -3ms)



Eon Next ( VH gas)



British Gas ( VH electric)



BMM Balance as at 5th Nov 2024



BMM Play Project a/c



SWPC total balance as at 5th Nov 2024



Reserves held by SWPC



SWPC total balance exclud. reserves as at

5th Nov 2024



Additional income –SKDC grant for VH flat roof work £7800, £100 burial income for Non Parishioner reservation of ashes plot. 

Additional payments; MCS (VH grass cutting, 2 cuts Oct) £340.00, Mr Elson (cemetery hedge) £160 plus

vat, Garden Angel (cemetery grass 3 cuts Aug/ Sept)£240.00.

SWPC to consider donation to village fireworks event, Cllr Kinning

The PC expressed thanks to Cllr Kinning, her family and all the helpers for their hard work putting on another spectacular firework event on Sat 2 November in aid of the Play Project. Cllr Kinning advised of many local company donations to this cause, with further monies raised on the night by way of entrance donation in lieu of an entrance fee, food sales and a raffle. Cllr Oldfield advised that the VHMC would be making a donation from the bar takings, amount tbc. The Parish Council agreed to a donation of £750 towards this event, proposed Cllr Parish, seconded Cllr van Straubenzee and with all in favour and no abstentions, this was carried. Clerk to finalise the total raised / arrange the transfer to the Play Project Fund once all the monies are received. Cllr Kinning to send out thank you letters and to publish the total raised on village FB.

Village Hall update, Cllrs Parish & van Straubenzee

Cllr Parish advised that the new flat roof work will take place by LRH Roofing, w/c 11 November, she will arrange access as required. Grant money has now been received from SKDC. Groups / hirers will not be affected by the work taking place, however the clerk will advise the VHMC of this work.

Cllr van Straubenzee advised there was a water leak in the VH kitchen on the 12 Oct. This was promptly attended to by Paul Dalby with repair undertaken (damaged overflow and leaking ball valve, cost £71.53 plus vat). He has since sent quotes to upgrade the old outdated water tank, 1) Installation of a new water tank/ associated pipe work, £987.65 plus vat, 2)Installation of a new 150 litre pressurised hot water cylinder and associated work, £1721.66 plus vat. The latter will give the village hall constant hot water (40 litres bigger cylinder than the current one). The PC agreed that this work needs doing urgently and so Cllr Brabbin proposed that quote two is accepted for a new hot water cylinder, seconded by Cllr Parish and with all councillors in favour and no abstentions, this was carried. Cllr van Straubenzee to arrange the work with Mr Dalby. Cllr Oldfield has assessed the moss in the village hall guttering and is to do further work to remove it.

War Memorial, Cllr van Straubenzee The war memorial has been cleaned, the pathways sprayed and tulips planted out. At 9am there is a Communion Service. At 10am there will be a Remembrance service and wreath laying at the War Memorial.

Event Poppies, Cllr van Straubenzee Cllr van Straubenzee advised that the poppy order for 50 new large poppies had arrived and that she, along with Cllrs Brabbin and Golding, have displayed them around the village. Cllr Parish advised that Grace Knightall, who has volunteered for the RBL for over 50 yrs supplying the poppies / poppy wreaths to the village has now retired. Therefore Cllr Parish picked up six poppy wreaths from PWG Barracks for the various village groups and individuals. She has also arranged for poppy collection boxes to go in the two village shops and the school and has a new RBL contact who has taken over from Mrs Knightall to sort arrangements for future years.

Play areas, Cllr Oldfield

VH rec play park monthly maintenance

Cllr Oldfield is awaiting various costings for Mugas and other equipment and will call a meeting in the new year to discuss further.

Flooding Conference update, Cllr Brabbin Cllrs Brabbin and van Straubenzee attended this conference. Cllr Brabbin is awaiting briefing notes from the meeting and will then update/ publish the emergency contact information held for South Witham, with assistance from the clerk. Houses directly affected by localised flooding to be contacted separately.

LRSP Community Speed Watch Scheme (CSW) ,clerk

With only three residents volunteering to join the Speed Watch Group, despite village FB advertising, the PC agreed that this project is deferred until the new year. No equipment costs incurred as yet.

Planning Matters 24-109

New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment ,none

New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after the publication of the agenda

S24/0948, erection of a two storey, 3 bedroom dwelling on garden land adjacent to 5 Thistleton Lane - no objections from SWPC.

SKDC planning permissions granted/refused

S24/1213, Land to the North & South of Hillview Rd, two new bungalow dwellings with a parking spaces. Landscape enhancements to adjacent open space- permission refused by SKDC

S24/1448, 5 High St, repollarding / pruning of 2 Sycamore trees/ 1 Willow tree - SKDC approval of works to trees protected by a TPO.

S24/1667, Hillview Rd, CA Section 211 notice to remove 2 Horse Chestnut trees to just above ground level-approved by SKDC.

S24/1519, 8 Church St, replacement windows/ roof tiles – approved by SKDC.

Correspondence 24-110

LALC Enews, SKDC information - Pension credit information, Design Code for South Kesteven and further information re. workshops to be held on 21 Nov - Grantham, 27 Nov - Bourne, Call to make more space for nature, Antisocial behaviour powers renewed & refreshed, Tree planting guide /make space for nature, Views sought on Wymondham park consultation (deadline 13 Nov), Be alert to future flooding / flood action week 14- 20 Oct), Working together to help the homeless, Teamwork to tackle anti-social behaviour. LCC Town & Parish Council update (Oct), LCC temporary traffic order 31/10 – 4/11/24 for mains electrical cable fault work on Templars Way, local diversion in place .LALC training budget and courses info, C & C Direct.

Additional Items 24-111

SWPC is to receive 20-30 maroon tulip bulbs as part of the Airborne Tulip Memorials Trail. These will be planted by the Commemorative bench on Harrington Rd. Letter received from Distinct Developments providing further details of a portion of its land it wishes to gift to the PC for its use (ref. Planning matter S23/2256,outline planning application for 9 serviced plots for self build and custom housebuilding with associated infrastructure, refused by SKDC on 12/4/24). PC agreed that its position is unchanged on this and declined the offer, clerk to advise.

Date of next PC meeting 24-112 Tues 3 Dec 2024 at 6.30pm in the small hall of the VH

The meeting closed at 8.30pm