Dec 2023 minutes

 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the village hall on Tues 5th Dec 2023 at 6.30pm

  Present 23-129 Cllr C Ashton (Chair), Cllr F Parish (Vice Chair), Cllr P Golding, Cllr J Oldfield, Cllr C van Straubenzee, SKDCllr D Bellamy, SKDCllr B Green, LCCllr CVernon, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk)

Apologies for Absence 23-130 Cllr C Hodgkin, Cllr R Brabbin, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr A White

   Public Forum 23-131 none

Declarations of Interest for items on the agenda 23-132 none

Reports from County/District Councillors 23-133

SKCllr Bellamy was sent information re. the Great Close house that has various health and safety issues following the neighbouring house fire 18 months ago. Cllr Bellamy to raise this matter with SKDC Environmental Health Dept. He also has footage of the recent flooding in the village and asked for any other flooding photos to be sent to him, as he has a meeting with the Environment Agency soon. He also advised of the 1 tonne supplies of sand / bags available to Parishes, more to follow on this.

    SKDCllr Green advised that SKDC is costing out the Council Tax relief scheme for Veterans and it is hoped the scheme will be up and running for Apr25. He also mentioned that the authorities are looking at solutions      for the A1 littering problem.

Cllr Vernon outlined the LCC Councillor Volunteer Scheme, whereby councillors undertake community work, ideas to be submitted to her for South Witham village. She also urged councillors and residents to complete the Lincolnshire Devolution survey (29/1/24 deadline).

   To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 7th Nov 2023 23-134

The notes of the meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair in acceptance of minutes.

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on; 23-135

Financial Matters, clerk

Monthly Accounts

South Witham Parish Council – Financial Statement   - Dec 2023





BMM Balance as at 5th Oct 2023



Income since 5th Oct 2023



Memorial fee – Shepherd Memorials



Fireworks donations;



A1 Truckstop



G Webb Quarry



Whites Recycling






Expenditure since 5th Oct 2023



Bank chgs



Helen Sandon (Oct)



Janine Costello (Oct)



MCS (VH grass 2 cuts  - Sept x £170)



Mr Elson ( PC cemetery hedge)



British Gas – VH gas



F Parish refund of exps ( VH key cutting / flowers for village trough)



Alarmline Security Ltd ( VH door sensor reconnect work)



CC Cleaning ( 2 x bus stop clean NW Rd June, Sept )



MCS (VH grass 2 cuts  - Oct x £170)



Balance as at 5th Nov 2023



Income to be cleared



FCC Grant reclaim for VH doors



Vat return 01/12/22 – 31/10/23



Bonfire monies deposited Kinning



Fireworks donation – C van Straubenzee



SW VHMC donation from food



Tfr donation from resident ( F Parish to refund H Sandon)



Expenditure to be cleared



British Gas – VH electric



British Gas – VH electric



T Stafford (cemetery grass cutting Aug-Oct x 4)



J Thomas refund for fireworks



Helen Sandon (Nov) includes £20 RBL wreath



British Gas – VH gas



British Gas – VH gas credit note, read submitted



British Gas – VH gas



Janine Costello (Nov)



Tfr to SWPC Play Project- firework monies



Paul Dalby ( Feb23 late inv plumbing)



Anglian Water



BMM Balance as at 5th Dec 2023



BMM Play Project a/c ( includes £2120 firework monies & £600 Blue Cow quiz monies)



SWPC Total balance as at 5th Dec 2023




Reserves held by SWPC



 SWPC Total balance excluding reserves held  as at 5th Dec 2023





Additional items since the agenda was drawn up;

Payments - T Stafford, cemetery grass and inner hedge cutting Oct/ Nov, 3 cuts at £75, £225.00, MCS VH rec grass cutting £170.00,  PCC churchyard upkeep £600, Paul Dalby Plumbing & Heating – boiler £4500 plus vat. 


To agree 2024/25 Precept

The PC Finance Group met on the 30 Nov to discuss the current year finances with a view to setting the Precept for 2024/25. Clerk present at this meeting highlighted various items of expenditure and also advised that she had renewed the gas and electric contracts, gas prices (3yr contact) staying roughly the same as per last contract, electric prices (2yr contract) increasing significantly and so will have an impact on the 2024/25 budget. It was suggested that the remaining SKDC Support grant reserve of £2k is utilised for the current year utilities, all Cllrs agreed to this request. Cllr Ashton then proposed that the Precept remains at the 2023/24 level ie. 25k for 2024/25, band D equivalent £52.37, seconded by Cllr Parish and with all Councillors in favour this was agreed, clerk to advise SKDC.

Village Hall, Cllrs Parish & van Straubenzee

Update on VH matters

Cllr van Straubenzee informed that the boiler was condemned at its annual service as unsafe (24/11/23) With repairs to cost 50% of the cost of a new boiler, an emergency decision was reached by the PC, in conjunction with the Chair, to install a new 40kw heat only boiler, cost £4500 plus vat for boiler installation and associated work. Mr Dalby completed the work on 30/11/23. Thanks expressed to Mr Dalby for sorting so quickly, this was greatly appreciated with so many VH functions scheduled pre Xmas and no heating. The PC agreed that that quotes should be sought to convert the VH lights to LEDs to save significantly on future electric costs. Cllrs Parish & Oldfield to discuss LED requirements and a light sensitive panel for the main floodlight, with Cllr Parish to arrange quotes for consideration.

Play areas, Cllr Oldfield

Monthly inspection/maintenance

Cllr Oldfield advised of further monies to bank from cans and the Harvest Feast towards the Play Park project. He will now arrange the first Play Park improvements meeting to discuss the way forward. Clerk to thank companies who donated to the fireworks event and advise of the £2120 profit raised.

Planning Matters 23-136

New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment

S23/1738, 33 North Witham Rd, hard surface to form driveway to front & insertion of dropped kerb, 

PC agreed the following response – concerns whether any drainage has been put into the driveway and if insertion of a dropped kerb is allowed.

New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after the publication of the

Agenda S23/2119, Mill House, Mill Lane, pre application advice regarding a proposed residential dwelling to the west of the current property, received 5/12/23, clerk to circulate to cllrs to consider response.

SKDC planning permissions granted/refused none

SKDC Wild Witham tree planting 23-137 Cllrs Parish, Brabbin and van Straubenzee met with SKDCllr Green and SKDC Streetscene Manager, Mr Rogers, to look at the proposed tree planting in this area. 105 whips to be planted, Wild Wood variety on the perimeter of the field, to the left and right of the existing playground. SKDC to take full responsibility for the trees. PC gives its full support for this project, clerk to inform SKDC accordingly.

PC to consider requests for benches at SWPC Cemetery, Cllr van Straubenzee 23-138

PC agreed that benches should be considered on a case by case basis at the discretion of the PC. Clerk to request the specification for any applications.

Correspondence 23-139

LALC Enews, SK Neighbourhood Policing qtr update, SKDC Corporate Plan consultation (deadline 19/12/23), Town & PC Newsletter Nov23, LCC Town & Parish news Nov 23 & Devolution “Greater Lincolnshire” consultation (29/1/24 deadline), Government funding – Community Ownership Fund. LCC Xmas bus service timetable info - Cllr Kinning to SW FB, SWPC website has link to information. SK flood alert information.       

Additional Items 23-140 Clerk advised that SKDC has logged the High St to Church St jitty clearance work, no date for work given as yet.

Date of next PC meeting 23-141 Councillors agreed not to hold a January PC meeting each year, therefore the next PC meeting will be on Tues 6th Feb at 6.30pm in the small hall of the VH. Clerk to update the PC website accordingly.

The meeting closed at 8pm