Dec 2022 minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the village hall on Tues 6th Dec 2022 at 6.30pm

Present 22-138 Cllr J Oldfield (Vice Chair), Cllr P Golding, Cllr C Hodgkin, Cllr M Kinning, Cllr S Lansdowne, Cllr A White, Mrs H Sandon (parish clerk), LCCllr C Vernon, SKDCllr D Bellamy

Apologies 22-139 Cllr C Ashton (Chair), Cllr F Parish, Cllr C van Straubenzee, SKDCllr B Green

Chairman’s Remarks 22-140 none

Receive Declaration of Interests 22-141 Cllr White declared an interest in agenda item 22-146, consultation on potential mineral sites nominated for allocation in the updated Lincolnshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan, LCC (deadline for comments 6/1/23).

Public Forum 22-142 A resident raised several concerns regarding agenda item 22-146 consultation on potential mineral sites nominated for allocation in the updated Lincolnshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan, LCC (deadline for comments 6/1/23), dealt with under 22-146 below.

Report from County/District Councillors 22-143

LCCllr Vernon advised that the LCC website has details of the help available from the council and other organisations, for residents struggling with the cost of living. There are useful links detailing help with free school meals, financial support for carers, help with childcare costs and emotional support available to name a few. Another useful website is LCC is preparing its 2023/24 budget and is asking residents for views on which services it values most, to contribute visit There is a new “fix my street” app coming soon, but in the meantime, all encouraged to keep reporting pot holes and other damage to roads. Grantham is one of four towns that has had a new strategy drawn up to improve transport and support future development to 2036 and beyond. Document outlining this to follow. Cllr Bellamy reported that the results from the boundary review undertaken by the Boundary Commission for England are to be announced soon but highly likely that South Witham’s proposed constituency will fall under Rutland & Stamford County Council. The SKDC Local Plan Review consultation will take place in Feb/ Mar23. The Local Plan Review will set out the planning framework for the District over the next 20 years up to 2041 and will cover issues such as; housing provision, the economy, retail and town centres, infrastructure provision and the environment. It will also set out policies by which planning applications will be determined, in addition to allocating land for housing, employment and retail uses. 

Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 1st Nov 2022 22-144

The notes of meeting were approved by the Council and signed by the vice chair in acceptance of minutes.

Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports on; 22-145

Financial Matters, clerk

Monthly accounts (see financial statement below)

South Witham Parish Council – Financial Statement   - Dec 2022





b/f bal as at 5th Oct 2022



Income since 5th Oct 2022



SKDC ½ Yr Precept



Firework donations;



A1 Truckstop



Stadium Diner



Excalibur building – Witham Plaice






Whites Recycling



Hudson White Services Ltd



Expenditure since 5th Oct 2022



British Gas ( VH gas)



British Gas ( VH electric)



New beginnings Restoration ( VH gutter clearing)



Helen Sandon (Oct)



Helen Sandon ( refund Roadware Ltd -bin £261.54, Rassells - tree, stake & bulbs… £132.43, RBLI - tree plaque £154.99)



Paul Dalby (bifold door – new trims /reseal , boiler service & kit, reset taps)



Garden Angel ( cemetery mowing July-Sept 5 @ £75 plus hedge £30



Bank chgs



Mr Elson cemetery hedge



Mr J Thomas ( Cllr M Kinning) Dynamic fireworks invoice reimbursement



Balance as at 5th Nov 2022



Income to be cleared



SKDC ½ yr cleaning grant 



A1 Truckstop firework monies coin exchange monies banked includes personal donations from C White £100 / D Hudson £100



SW cemetery – Parishioner payment for headstone erection £50 / ashes plot reservation £50



J Thomas – firework donation towards food 



Expenditure to be cleared



Janine Costello (Oct winter hrs)



British Gas ( VH gas)



Helen Sandon (Nov pay plus expenses as attached; VH rec bin, defib pads x 2, stationery A4 paper, VH carbon monoxide monitor, VH folding disabled ramp, RBL wreath payment )



Janine Costello (Nov)



British Gas ( VH electric)



British Gas ( VH gas)



Wave ( VH water )



BMM Balance as at  6th Dec 2022



BMM Play Project a/c



 SWPC Total balance as at 6th Dec 22




Additional items; the clerk had submitted the vat return for the period 1/2/22 – 30/11/22, £1601.72.

SWPCC churchyard upkeep for the second half of 2022, £600.00 approved / to be paid by SWPC.  

Update on bonfire night monies raised towards the Play Park project

Monies raised from this event amount to £1953.96, finance summary of the event on file with the clerk. Clerk to transfer the funds to the Play Park Project account, taking the total currently held to £3669.14. Cllr Kinning, her partner and team of volunteers did an exceptional job and hope to hold this event again next year.

SWPC to agree the purchase of 50 large poppies at £5 each for the village.

Proposed Cllr Oldfield, seconded Cllr Kinning, with all in favour and no abstentions, the PC agreed the purchase of an additional 50 large poppies at £5 each. Clerk to arrange the order with Cllr van Straubenzee. 

2023 / 24 Precept setting for South Witham

Precept information had been circulated by the clerk to councillors prior to the meeting. Proposed Cllr Oldfield, seconded Cllr Kinning, with all in favour and no abstentions, the PC agreed that the Precept remains at £25,000 for yr 2023 / 24, clerk to advise SKDC of this.

Village Hall , Cllrs van Straubenzee/ Parish

Village Hall doors In the absence of Cllrs van Straubenzee and Parish, this item was deferred until the January meeting.

Other VH heating issue is in hand. There is now an accessible mobile disability ramp at the VH, VHMC are aware. A carbon monoxide detector has also been installed in the VH kitchen to comply with updated safety regulations.

Cemetery, Cllr van Straubenzee

PC to review / agree the scale of charges for the Yr 2023-24  - to defer until the January meeting

PC to review/ agree the terms & conditions  - to defer until the January meeting

Play areas, Cllr Oldfield

Monthly inspection/maintenance

Cllr Oldfield advised that there is a further £103 can monies to transfer over to the Play Project account.

He has installed the new bin at the skate park this month and hopes to weld / reuse the old bin elsewhere on the VH rec. He will also paint the skate park equipment when the weather allows. 

Planning Matters

New planning applications received by SKDC for Parish Council comment after the publication of the agenda none

SKDC planning permissions granted/refused

S22/1092 - 14 Annexe, High Street, installation of ATM installed to left hand side of shop- permission granted by SKDC

S22/1093 - 14 Annexe, High Street, internal illuminated free cash withdrawal sign above ATM- permission granted by SKDC

S22/2010, 8 Hillview Rd, dead & dangerous tree, large horse chestnut tree overhanging house, exemption granted by SKDC so work may go ahead

S22/1663, 28 High St, two storey extension to side & rear, porch, veranda & vehicular access – passed by SKDC 

S22-1948, 1 Church Lane- tree 1, 2 & 3 fruit tree work (trees in CA, section 211 notice)- work allowed by SKDC

S22/1702, 47 High St, replace summer house with a wooden gazebo – passed by SKDC 

Consultation on potential mineral sites nominated for allocation in the updated Lincolnshire Minerals & Waste Local Plan, LCC (deadline for comments 6/1/23) 22-146

Information circulated to councillors prior to the meeting on this targeted consultation. Also, a letter was received and circulated from a resident who owns a local business in the village expressing concerns with the proposed sites nominated in South Witham.  A further resident attended the meeting and detailed why the various sites should not even be listed in the proposal, based on planning applications thrown out in the past due to proximity to houses etc...Concerns expressed by all re. potentially harmful air quality, dust, noise, increase traffic through the village and safety issues with new proposed access onto Mill Lane. SKDCllr Bellamy to produce a draft response opposing the sites included, assistance to be provided by the resident present, information to be forwarded to the clerk for this purpose. To present draft response at 3rd Jan 23 PC meeting for council approval, ready for submission by the 6th Jan 23 deadline.

Correspondence 22-147

LALC Enews weekly, Neighbourhood Police quarterly briefing, Stamford town and rural police newsletter, SKDC cost of living information leaflet to SWPC website, village FB / village noticeboards. Resident letter re.damaged church wall/Angel Inn roof - SWPCC are aware of the wall. Clerk to contact Buckminster Estate to enquire when the roof is to be fixed. Sir John Sedley Educational Foundation grant information, SKDC councillor vacancies information re. Elections May 2023, Queens Green Canopy acknowledgement of birch tree planted / registered on Church St/ Water Lane triangle opposite the school. Resident email re. DPD articulate lorry unauthorised access / parking up on Moor Lane, noted by PC. Clerk to request that any further incidents (with vehicle regs) are also advised to the PC to follow up. LCC notification of policy consultation 2024/25, schools admission policy – re. Charles Read School, deadline 7/1/23.Town & Parish Council News, External auditor appointment for 5 yr period to 2026/27, PKF Littlejohn LLP again.   

Lincolnshire Transport Christmas bus information. LGA Model Code of Conduct drop in sessions - info circulated to councillors. Lives fundraising letter.

Additional Items 22-148

Damaged grit bin, location Moor Lane/ Templars Way junction repaired by LCC. Clerk has further reported the damaged signs Moor Lane and beyond to LCC as they still have not been fixed. She has also reported the jitty opposite the Blue Cow Pub to SKDC to clear the fallen leaves as slippery under foot.  Cllr Oldifeld to discuss with the business owner, the possibility of erecting a simple external notice board on the Witham Plaice chip shop wall, Great Close. Cllr Parish had advised the clerk, that a local  business is kindly providing two new battery packs for the village defibrillators free of charge, thus saving the PC £400 approx. Cllr Parish will thank the company on behalf of SWPC.  

Date of next PC meeting 22-149 Tuesday 3rd January 2023 at 6.30pm

Meeting closed at 8.30pm